Saturday, February 2, 2008

Young Members Go Green

Yesterday I attended an event that the National Young Members Forum organised together with the Yorkshire and the Humber (sorry just can’t call it Humberside) on the union’s green agenda. It was a great day with young members from across the region engaging in the issues and looking at how we can get our workplaces to reduce their impact on dangerous climate change.

We were lucky enough to have the Rt. Hon. Hilary Benn MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs speaking (helped by the fact that it was in his constituency on a Friday). He spoke well and is clearly passionate about the issues, and we can rightly be proud of the UK Government for the leadership we have shown the world on climate change. There is still much more to be done and the young members at the event pressed Hilary to do more.

I had a little slot in the afternoon to talk about young members in UNISON and how we work.

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