Wednesday, July 8, 2009

NEC's first day - New Presidential Team elected

I'm sure it will reassure members that we once again have a Presidential Team holding the rudder at the centre of the union.

Gerry Gallagher who represents Police and Justice staff on the NEC and has been Vice President for two years has been elected President.

Angela Lynes who represents members in Scotland was re-elected as Vice President and now becomes the senior Vice President.

Eleanor Smith who represent the West Midlands along with myself was elected as Vice President and becomes the first black Vice President of UNISON. I'm very proud of Eleanor as one of our own from the West Midlands and a health member who's Branch Secretary of Birmingham Women's Hospital which is across the road from my hospital.

I'm glad that I will continue on the Policy Development and Campaigns Committee which I have really enjoyed over the last two years.

The meeting continues tomorrow and then the TUC delegation meeting

Monday, July 6, 2009

UNISON's Million Voices for Change

At National Delegate Conference, UNISON launched our Million Voices Campaign, our campaign for a fairer society.

It's a wide ranging campaign, covering supporting people through the recession and building a fairer economy rather than back to 'business as usual'

This is going to be a long term campaign, and the first this we need is for members to add their voices.

Go to

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Challenge accepted and what looks like an early win from Labour Link Forum

Just on the way back from Labour Link Forum in Manchester.

After Dave Prentis' speech at National Delegate Conference it was clear that Labour Link had a strong challenge ahead to shape Government policy.

The Forum looked in detailed workshops about how to take that agenda forward, particularly at a local level and the our future relationship with local Labour constituency parties.

And it would seem that we may be on to a winner, both Ministers present (Harriet Harman and Ed Milliband) got a grilling on about Transforming Community Services and in particular the 75% figure set for private sector provision. Both Ministers said that they were committed to public provision and it would seem that Andy Burnham wasn't aware of the guidance. Fingers crossed this can get sorted. Real evidence of the effectiveness our our Labour Link, which is only going to get better.