The funding of equal pay litigation is a significant issue for trade unions at the moment, with many thousands of claims being taken forward. The NEC has been grappling with how to fund these costs over a number of years, previously putting forward passing some of the cost onto successful claimants but this was, I think rightly, rejected.
At a previous NEC meeting we agreed to fund this by having a standstill budget across the union, which would include Branches by allocating funding without the increase in subscriptions (which results from members progressing up the subscription bands and paying more). I believe that the standstill budget approach is a fair and equatable way of funding this, which shares the burden across national, regional, and branches.
It was the NEC's desire to put this in a motion to National Delegate Conference,. However anyone that knows anything about motions to UNISON conferences know that you cannot get it passed the standing orders committee is it mentions equal and pay (due to legal advice caused by the activities of less than savoury lawyers).
However, the NEC will be putting it's decision in it's report to the conference. This gives delegates the opportunity to submit questions (which must be done in advance) and if not satisfied with the answer the NEC gives, to ask supplementary questions at Conference. If then still not happy with the answer, they have the opportunity to move reference back, which if supported by conference means the NEC have to go back to the drawing board.
I do hope we have that discussion at National Delegate Conference, but also urge branches to support the NEC in this decision. After all, this money is to support our women members in their quest for equal pay. Whatever happens this must be funded appropriately and I'm sure you agree we must share the burden across the union.
If young members have any questions or comments on these proposals please get in touch (details in the UNISON diary).