Saturday, January 19, 2008

Support the opt-out for organ donation

In a brave move the Prime Minister has given his support to a review of the law on organ donation so that there would be a presumption of consent for organ donation.

As part of my day job I look after patients that are being assessed for or awaiting heart transplant. I've known people waiting for a suitable organ and dying in the wait and people getting the organ and having an amazing lease of life. There are currently 7,560 people are currently waiting for a transplant here in the UK. I wholeheartedly support changes to the law, too many people have their organs go to waist because they never got round to joining the organ donor register.
It's time to change the law so transplant can change more lives, but until then if you haven't joined the register do in NOW online, and please discuss your wishes with your family so they can support you to safe life when you've gone.

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