Friday, October 26, 2007

More preparations for the demo

At our Branch Committee we unfurled our new Branch Banner (it's very great cos it's really light and airated to it won't blow like a sail).

It got thinking about the demo and possible chants, here's three early ideas

(to the tune of Daphnie & Celest U.G.L.Y song)
That is why you gotta pay
More cleaners!
More Cleaners!

(to My Bonnie lies over the ocean)
I went to my local hospital
I wanted it to be clean
the domestic tried their hardest
but the private contractor was mean

I love, I love, I love the N H S
I love, I love, I love the NHS

(to London Bridge is falling down)
I love the NHS, NHS, NHS
I love the NHS
Keep it Public!

[Some space for a second verse here]

So, what do you think? Any more ideas?

I've started a topic about it on the discussion board on the UNISON Facebook group so why not post some better ones there or feel free to leave a comment here.

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